Cruising The Molly Way

Thank you for all your support x

Many of you reading this are regular cruisers who book with me, and those who aren’t I promise you it’s only a matter of time before I reel you in!!

As my regulars you will know that I work from home as part of the home working team which is great when you are a mum of four highly spirited children.

You will know that if you call me that I will call you back within a few hours or if you email me I will reply even to say I can’t get to you straightaway but I will get to you.

Ashley wired up!!

Last month some of you were surprised to call or email me and get no response and some of you even private messaged me to check that all was okay. With the permission of my 17-year-old daughter and to raise awareness I want to tell you what was happening.

In early May, completely out of the blue my 17-year-old daughter, Ashley, began having seizures. I am used to this as my husband has been epileptic ever since a head injury at the age of 14 from a skiing accident but to watch your child fall to the floor and begin seizing is something that I would not wish on anyone.

We immediately called an ambulance and were transferred to our local hospital where she had a further two seizures as we were being admitted. Next came a barrage of procedures from a cardiograph to a CT scan and an MRI followed by multiple blood tests. After a week and no further seizures, we were released but the following day she started having more!

We were transferred to our nearest neurology unit which was over an hour’s drive away where she was again submitted to two weeks of investigations and several EEG’s which were inconclusive. Although she was well looked after there were no facilities for parents and I spent two weeks sleeping in an armchair!

Feeling better.

She was eventually diagnosed as having something called NEAD which is non epileptic attack disorder which is caused by stress and anxiety. It cannot be treated with medication and has to be treated with counselling and we are having to take each day as it comes. A non-seizure day is a good day.

Thank you for your understanding and patience when I have not been able to get back to you as quickly . I am now back at work full time and ready and waiting to get you your cruise booked.

If you are interested in reading more about NEAD then click here:

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