Cruising The Molly Way


This is a headline that you would never expect to see from a Cruise Specialist but fair warning I am going to tell you all the dangerous reasons (as reported in the press) why you should not cruise.

 Rough Seas

Watch out for freak waves and injury by falling furniture!


A horrible bug that renders you helpless with diarrhoea and vomiting for 48 hours.

 Falling Overboard

It seems that if you go on a cruise you are in danger of falling overboard at any point.

 Attacked In Ports

Apparently 80 people a year are killed in Nassau in the Bahamas.


Cruise ships are always crashing into each other and also into inanimate objects

 Pirate Attacks

Yes there are still pirates out there.

Would you still cruise knowing all this?

I would as I believe it is a calculated risk of any of these things happening and there is more chance of me being injured in a car crash than being attacked by pirates.

All of these items are regularly reported by a gentleman called Jim Walker who describes himself as a “go to lawyer when things go wrong at sea”.

Whenever there is an incident at sea he seems to be the one who is called on to offer his expert advice. He recently commented on one story where an 85 year old passed away after a freak wave hit a British cruise ship in the English Channel and he ridiculed the notion of a freak wave. Well Mr Walker have you been privy to the storms that we have had to endure over the past few weeks?

I live in a seaside resort in the North of England called Morecambe and I am in awe of the power and ferocity that Mother Nature can call up from the sea. In the past few weeks I have seen huge boulders used as a natural sea defence tossed around like pebbles and cars washed out to sea as well as fishing boats deposited on the promenade.

I am first to agree that there are certain areas that the  cruise lines need to tighten up on but never before have I seen an industry hung, drawn and quartered so viciously by one man who is only out for one thing and its not to reform the industry like he would want everyone to think.

If this is has put you off cruising then I beg you to reconsider or at least try it once and as my favourite quote by Mark Twain says,”Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”



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