Be Onboard with Betsy

Why be a homeworker ??

I was listening to an article on the radio the other day that the number of people working from home has increased by a fifth in the last ten years and now equates to about 1 in 7 people.

It’s something I had never considered until a couple of years ago !!

Being a successful homeworker requires a number of strengths. You need to be flexible, motivated,enthusiastic and totally dedicated but most of all be disciplined ,for me this isn’t a problem where work is concerned. I need to be disciplined to stop work !!! On my day off I need to step away from the laptop and do the cleaning and make the tea !!
People actually ask how are you not tempted to sort the washing out or watch tv ?? It really isn’t a problem as you could literally work 24 hours a day and still not be done .
A important factor is cutting yourself off from the house so making sure you have an office, mine is right at the back of the house and anyone could come in I wouldn’t have a clue. Well apart from my dog who is my work buddy who sits right behind my desk.

I need to try and organise my shifts to make sure they work well with customers so that is making sure i work varied hours including weekends and evenings.I am here when the shops are closed.

I have to treat my work like its my own business, I like to make sure my customers come back to me time and time again.
I like to make sure that I look after my customers from the minute they make the enquiry till after they return.
I wouldn’t consider myself a hard sales person but I want all my customers to book with me because of me !!! All about the service and making sure I get them the right cruise and this sometimes includes being honest.

That’s a bit about being a homeworker , the benefit to me is I can work my hours around me and my family, which includes school runs, rugby matches and all my gym classes.

I love ,love ,love it

The biggest benefit is no road rage and traffic jams which were a daily event .

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