Be Onboard with Betsy

Celebrating another year …..

I hope you have all had a fabulous Christmas and got everything off your list and most importantly spent time with your loved ones. Like the last 2 years we are getting away from it all for new year . We have booked a lovely cottage in the lakes with our best friends and plan to do loads of walking ( hopefully with a bit of snow ) play games and watch films.

I will hopefully have some well earned rest and be able to switch off ( no wifi signal )and recharge my batteries ready for the January madness.Unlike a lot of people who dread going back to work and suffer from the January blues I LOVE IT !!
I also love this time of year when I look back over everything I have done over the year and all the memories made, places visited, I have had a great year again this year and cannot believe where the time has gone.
Then its all about planning for the new year.From January the 3rd I will be back at my desk ready to plan all your wonderful cruises for you.

Happy new year everyone

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