Well what can I say about the celebrations at Liverpool on 24 & 25th May to celebrate 175 years since the first transatlantic crossing from Liverpool. The 2 days were amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed every part of it.




I was lucky enough to stay with family in Liverpool for a couple of nights which was fantastic and we had a great few days.  Alan is my mother in law’s cousin and we had a blast.  We headed down to the docks around 7.30pm to see the Queen Mary 2 as she was first in and docked at the terminal. There were plenty of people around taking photos, we walked right to the end to get some pictures of her from the front.

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As we walked back up towards the square there was a band playing which was marvelous and really entertaining, it was the ‘Band of the HM Royal Marines’ so we stayed to watch this for a while.

We headed for a coffee after this to warm up before the light show & firework display, these did not disappoint at all and were spectacular to watch. The atmosphere was electric and we were so pleased we stayed to watch. The 3 graces buildings were lit up with the light show which was amazing.





On Monday morning we headed down to Crosby Beach to watch the 3 ships meet at the mouth of the Mersey, QM2 left the dock at 10.45am to meet Queen Elizabeth & Queen Victoria, this was amazing to watch as we saw the QE & QV from dots on the horizon until they approached QM2. The beach was packed with thousands of people who turned out to watch. The only problem was it was freezing cold but so worth it.

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QE led the 3 ships down the river to Princess Docks where the 3 ships did a series of maneuvers and turned 360 degrees.  Unfortunately I couldn’t get close enough to see this as over 1 million people were there to see it. The atmosphere was electric though and everyone enjoyed it.

The Red Arrows did a fly by but was so quick, blink & you missed it but I did get on video…

My colleague Michelle Fennelly  came over to Liverpool for the afternoon so we watched the celebrations together which was great, the band played again and opera singers, a choir, the town crier and lots of other entertainment going on making it a very enjoyable day.


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I had customers on board the QE so we arranged to meet up for a drink, it was great to see Shirley & Paul and meet people I speak to regularly.




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Overall I had a great few days as after Liverpool I headed to Michelle’s and we went to see Take That at Manchester Arena courtesy of P&O & Cunard, we had really good seats and the show was even better 2nd time round.


This weekend is my annual visit from Kjersti, my friend from Svalbard, Norway but we doing something different than going to see ‘Thriller Live’ so I’ll tell you about that next week.



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About Me

My name is Barbara Hopley (my real surname is now Neale) but most people call me ‘Babs’ – doesn’t sound as old as I’m not really that old. I am passionate about Cruise and have over 30 years of experience of travel knowledge. After working for various travel companies I…

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