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Is This The Most Dangerous Path In The World?- The Risk You Shouldn’t Avoid

Warning: If you’ve a fear of heights stop reading now. Seriously, this is terrifying…

All of the images below were taken on Mt. Hua Shan in China; head to the base of the mountain and you’ll find a giant set of steps called the Heavenly Stairs, which will just be the start of your climb!

The Heavenly stairs are the least of it however. Further up (so far up that you can’t even see it from the floor of the mountain in fact) is the start of the Hua Shan plank path– possibly one of the scariest and most dangerous walks we’ve ever seen.

Fans of health and safety should look away now as no one will be forcing you to wear safety gear; although you will find vendors high up along the trail trying to sell safety harness’ to tourists for an inflated price.

Why make the climb then if it’s so dangerous you may ask? Well it’s what’s at the top that will surprise you the most…

We’ll Admit That Parts of the Trail are Actually Quite Pretty

And Offer Some Absolutely Amazing Views

As You Climb Higher Though the Path Starts to Get a Little Scarier…

And scarier…

There’ll Still be Some Amazing Sights Along the Way

Take This Bridge for Example…

But the Higher You Get…

The More You’ll Start to See This Kind of Trail (We’re Not Sure ‘Path’ is Quite the Right Word At This Point!)

Or This…

Or Even This…

Until You Round a Corner…

And Come Across This…

(Safety gear optional!)

Cross One Last Path, High Up in the Clouds

And You’ll Reach The End of your Journey…

At the very top of the trail is an old Taoist temple that’s been converted into a tea house! So congratulations, you just walked one of the scariest  and most dangerous paths we’ve ever seen for a cuppa…although, you’d probably be in need of something a little stronger.

Could you do this walk? What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done on your travels? What else is on your bucket list? Leave us your comments!

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