Turner's World Tours

Cupcake Heaven!!! Yum Yum

When I found out that Royal Caribbean not Only had the “Cupcake Cupboard” on board a number of their ships, but also that they offer Cupcake decorating classes for their guests starting from $15 for children and$20 for Adults for a 30 min lesson from a very talented pastry chief.

This gave me a fantastic idea. Anyone who knows me, know I LOVE to bake, and most of all I Love to bake cupcakes. So I thought I would take two of the “Cupcake Cupboards” signature cupcakes and have a go at making them myself.


So with my whisk in hand, and my 2 years old helper we set about our baking challenge

SO here they are !!!!!!!

Royal Caribbean “Cupcake Cupboard”  Bubblegum Cupcakes and Mint Choc Chip Cupcakes!


And Marie and Rubys very own  Bubblegum Cupcakes and Mint Choc Chips! 🙂


We had so much fun making these little treat, and just as much fun eating them. We think that next time you are on a trip with RCCL on board either Allure of the sea, Oasis of the seas, Freedom of the seas or Liberty of the seas, Why not have just as much as we did and book your very own Cupcake decorating class.

For more details please call me on 0800 408 6160.

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