Turner's World Tours

A green apple a day keeps the cruise doctor away…………….


I haven’t had to deal with sickness before not suffering myself however my children did have a little sickness on our first family cruise with Celebrity last year. Now being a mum I like to be prepared for all eventualities I made sure before we set off to stock up on all lotions and potions to help us on our travels including seasickness medicines.

On our first day my daughters were pretty green and a lady spotted us at breakfast and said that they should try a green apple for their sea sickness, and in all these years of cruising I had never heard of this, and something else I hadn’t noticed was that the buffets had an abundance of fresh green juicy apples available for guest for just this purpose. So along with their other remedies they all tried this which pretty much solved their sickness.

A little fun fact: The pectin in green apples helps neutralize acid in the stomach, while the natural sugar helps settle the stomach. So a  juicy green apple a day really does keep the cruise doctor away!

Other options…..

Sea sickness Bands – These we found very helpful, a non medical small wrist bands which use acupressure and pressure points to give relief without drowsiness or other side effects. I found these pretty easy to buy before travelling however if you do get stuck they do sell them in the on board shop too.

Anti- sickness patches – A small patch that is placed behind your ear which release  medication to correct the imbalance of natural substances.

Sea-sickness tablets – normally a “once-a-day” tablet to ease motion sickness but can cause side effects.


Other herbal options

I’m sure there are many other options and old wives tales on how to avoid or help sea sickness please if you have anything different I would love to hear what works for you.


Until next time



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