Trevor Cruises

Cruises, so much more than Sea and Cities

I did a nice booking for 2 couples earlier in the week, the cruise took 5 minutes to book but it was a tailor made booking and had an additional 2 city tours, 1 Dune safari meal, 2 hotels based in Asia, 6 transfers and some flights.

Cruising is so much more than what many people believe it to be. As well as doing tailor made itineraries anywhere throughout the world there are cruises known as Dance cruises or Garden tour cruises.


Exclusive to many of these cruises will have celebrities on them as hosts, tutors, tour leaders and performers and whats more is that they are there for just a select few that book these special packages and not for everyone on the cruise. These cruises are so popular that you can find several a year, some fly cruise and others departing from the UK and all sell very quickly due to their popularity. Many of those that do book onto these exclusive to tours are repeat bookers, a great indication of how good these tours are.


If anything like this interests you, could be anything, sports events, New Year celebrations in Madiera, Rio Carnival etc then you know what to do…… Call me.

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