Will I think differently about MSC?

I’m due to go and experience the New MSC Meravigila. Now, I’ve never been on an MSC ship before so this is rather exciting. I’m not going to lie MSC has never really appealed to me. I have never been a fan of the way the Italians do things. I’ve heard all sorts of horror stories that the staff are quite abrupt and maybe that’s unintentional being the way the Italians are, who knows and with the announcements read out in five different languages and English always last I just wasn’t sure I’d like an MSC ship. Not my cup of tea I thought, I’ll stick to the likes of Royal Caribbean, Celebrity and P&O

Well the perks of the job here is that you can get selected and go and have a ship visit and I’ve been invited along to the launch party so I will get my first taste of MSC and a brand new ship to boot.
Next week I will be heading to Le Havre to board the new Meravigila. A ship tour will be followed by trade meetings, Dinner on board and an overnight stay. Yes, just one night on board. hardly having a weeks jolly to experience the ship. All the same it’s great to be invited and I am actually looking forward to it. I hope my opinion of MSC will be changed. I shall keep you posted so please do look out for my next blog as I will give a detailed run down, my personal opinion of what I thought of the design, food and anything else I feel the need to share and of course with some photos of this new ship.

I travel next week, I need to go to London the night before as we have an early start at Kings Cross around 5.15am. Not sure I’m looking forward to that part. Also, not a fan of coach journeys but it is what it is and I’ll be prepared. Camera and note pad will be ready and I have a good feeling that MSC are going to make me think differently about their cruises. Check back here in a couple of weeks for my verdict.

About Me

I'm Steve, I've spent nearly Sixteen years in travel. Working for a big high street travel agent before moving to be a Cruise specialist homeworker. I've visited some amazing places through out the world. My personal favourite place has to be the United States of America. Having been no fewer…

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