Sick Holiday!!


All I seem to be seeing at present all over social media sites are companies advertising for potential claims against holiday resorts relating to those who have become ill as a result of bad hygiene or food poisoning etc whilst on holiday.


But is this just a a whole list of companies who actually care for their clients or those who are out to get money where they can??


Simple fact of the matter is, if you go on holiday whether it be a beach resort, city or cruise, likelihood is you will suffer from a bad tummy. When holidaymakers go overseas particularly to 3rd world countries and where guests are in very closed close proximity to one another bugs can spread rapidly. The change in climate, food, and how much we drink and eat all contribute to the possibility of a potential tummy bug.


One of the biggest can be the norovirus which unfortunately has overtaken cruise lines in the past. But who is at fault?? Is it that of the inconsiderate individual who boards the ship knowingly unwell, is it the food standards on board?  I for one believe that cruise lines do all they can to eliminate bugs and take all necessary precautions whilst preparing food and ensuring all guests use the hand sanitisers before entering a restaurant. I strongly believe we as individuals are responsible for ourselves and should be aware of the fact that over indulging [ which is not unusual whilst holiday, we do not have to cook or wash up and so take advantage of this ], drinking more and sitting out in the sun, even just being in the hotter climate can all contribute, so if you want to avoid an illness – be responsible.


Here are my tips to avoid this potential unwanted holiday companion.

1 – Do not stay in the sun for long periods of time, seek a shady spot or umbrella and use sun hats.

2 – Consume alcohol responsibly

3 – Drink plenty of water, but not just water, high sugar drinks such as 7up is highly recommended for dehydration as replaces sugar levels.

4 – Try not to over indulge and eat the same amounts as you would at home.

5 – Avoid ice cubes, not so much on cruise ships but certainly in beach based resorts.

6 –  Try to eat fruit that can be peeled by yourself such as oranges or bananas and avoid salad that could have been washed in local tap water.

7-  Carry antibacterial wipes with you.

8- Brush your teeth with bottled water and do not swallow the shower water.


You may think – but I am going on holiday and what on earth would I want to keep thinking about all of the above. But I can say, this comes naturally to me whilst on holiday and not something I even think about. I went on holiday to Sharm El Sheik last year and nearly everyone in the hotel we spoke to had a bad tummy. I can safely say none of my family did. Although my husband does say it is my cooking that has built up our strong digestive system!!


I do feel for those that genuinely contract an illness or suffer food poisoning as a result of a hotels/ship negligence which I am sure does happen and there should be support systems in place for these people. But hotels and cruise lines do everything they can to alleviate this and we need to ensure we do our part and stop trying to lay blame on everyone else.


This is always a controversial matter and sometimes it really is luck of the draw as to whether you get an upset tummy or not.


I wish everyone safe and well and enjoyable travels!!

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Hi, I'm Sally and I have worked in the cruise and travel industry for 26 years,  5 years at I am passionate about cruising and have cruised on quite a few different cruise lines/ships with my husband and 16 year old daughter. I would like to say I know everything…

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