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Look out for Phil on your next cruise

Princess cruises have recently proudly announced that Phillip Schofield is to become their first UK Brand ambassador. How exciting.

Not only is Phil a huge fan of fine dining and good wines he is also loved by the nation so I’m sure he will be sharing some of his experiences along side Holly on Breakfast telly, which is obviously sure to get more people catching the cruising bug.

He was on board the Royal Princess back in May for his first ever cruise and is due to be heading back on board more of the Princess fleet to sample what they have to offer through this year.

Clever move by Princess having Phil on board I’m sure this will have a great impact on their brand and get quite a few tongues wagging.

It’s always great fun when you spot a Celeb on a cruise, I remember bumping into Heston Blumenthal on the way out to Spain when we were boarding the Celebrity Infinity, unfortunately he wasn’t heading onto our ship, he was due to appear at a food fair in Spain, even so it was amusing watching all these desperate woman trying to chat him up and get a pic and an autograph.

My most bizarre celeb moment was whilst I was out in Brazil. I’d gone out to visit a friend out there whilst we were working for Thomson. I turned around on the plane and there was Vanessa Phelps. The funniest thing was the following morning when I headed into the pool to take part in pool aerobics we had to pair up with the person nearest to you. So there was me and Vanessa Phelps leaning on each others shoulders whilst attempting to get our legs half way round our necks.

Always makes me smile when I think about that holiday. I’m sure Phil will have a few stories to share once he’s been ambushed by a few American cruisers on board.  Whist on the Royal Princess launch a couple of years ago I managed to get a picture with Lemar who was on board to perform for the launch, so I guess I was the sad desperate woman on that night ha ha!

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