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Keeping in touch on the ocean


As an increasing amount of passengers are becoming more confident using the internet and tablet devices, it was good to hear recently that P&O are reviewing the WI-FI packages they offer on-board their fleet. One of the most common questions I now get asked from passengers before they sail is how much will it cost to use my ipad on board, will the signal be good enough for me to ‘facetime’ my Grandchildren? How much are the wifi packages????

It seems that the internet is a facility we just cannot live without anymore, even when we’re trying so hard to get away and have a break from it all.

I’ve only purchased an internet package once on board the Celebrity Infinity and found the service to be OK, only problem was I did loose signal occasionally and had to keep logging back in. I paid $45 dollars for a set length of time and made sure I did not go over as I did not want to be spending all my hard earned cash on using the internet when I had really gone away to experience the ship and port of calls.

Carnival has recently announced that it is to have a major revamp of its satellite communications system by fitting the state-of-the-art WiFi@Sea system to all ships across its many different brands, which includes the P&O fleet.

There will be three new Internet packages that bump Wi-Fi capability, along with Internet bandwidth.

There will be three flat rate packages

‘Social’  – So you can just go on a choice of eight social media sites

‘Enhanced’ – Giving you increased broadband usage

‘Premiere’ – Giving you access to most things, including the ability to stream music and also video chat.

Well done P&O, I’m sure passengers will be very pleased with these changes.

Prices of the new packages are yet to be confirmed so watch this space……………….

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