Round The World With Renee

Visa’s for your holiday

Many of us love to travel to different parts of the world there is so much to see out there so why not?

Many customers get put off travelling to different countries with the visa’s some people think there expensive, so people don’t know how to do them the whole experience is just very daunting.

Many places you travel to ie America, Canada both have really easy visa’s that you can do online you just fill in the form and pay roughly $20 and you get an email back nearly straight away saying its been approved.

But what about other countries like China, India, China is the worst visa that I know off you have to fill the form in, then go for a meeting and have your fingerprints done if this isn’t enough you then have to pay roughly £200 per person for this visa. So is it all really worth it? yes it is I have many customers who come back from China and say have beautiful it was and it was worth all the hassle with the visas.

As you know I go to India a lot and I’ve decided to go again this year yes I will be only home for a week after our lovely honeymoon but I’ve got the holiday days that need taking and if I don’t take them I lose them and if I take them at home I won’t have the time off I would only work. so this is the reason I decided to go and see my mum and dad for two weeks. I really do love going but I hate doing the visa’s and a customer told me the other day that they’ve changed the way you do the visa’s again, it was hard enough before so to try and find out how I do these again will be even harder.

Does going to places that require visa’s put you off travelling or do you really want to go to these areas that you would go through getting visas. Let me know your thoughts?

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