Roaming Ruth's Travels

Flying with disability

A few months ago I booked a cruise for a regular customer of ours

She travels with her friend who uses an electric wheelchair so all arrangements were made to ensure the cabin was accessible and private transfers booked in a specially adapted vehicle.

Unfortunately the flight arrangements have proved not so straightforward

The flights were booked to fly out with Monarch and back with Jet2

I called Monarch and they were fantastic, they arranged all of the airport assistance

I told them they were taking 3 mobility items including an electric wheelchair which they noted on the booking and didn’t require any additional information

Jet2 on the other hand has not been easy. Firstly they said they could only take 2 mobility items but could request a 3rd item depending on weight and dimension.

My customer supplied all of the information they requested and luckily they did agree to carry all 3 items.

They have since made numerous phone calls requesting more and more information which has been frustrating to say the least.

Every time I contact my customer for this information and think the matter has been resolved only for them to call again a few days later

I have worked in the industry for 23 years and never had to supply so much information to an airline.

It must be difficult enough managing airports and aircrafts without having additional stress just to make your booking.

I think the moral is that even if the airfare is slightly more in future it is worth paying a little extra to fly with an airline such as Monarch to ensure a more pleasant booking experience.



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