On Deck With Dani

It’s a Wonderful time of year!

jack russel puppy with giftbox

Well!  It’s that time of year again!  November is over and done with, now the stressful shopping days begin, everyone gets their Christmas decorations up!  And generally everyone seems to go into panic mode! Yes, it’s December!  Now forgive me for me saying this, but it’s as if as soon as December hits, everyone goes into panic mode, rushing around buying all the gifts on their kids Christmas lists, rushing to buy the annual alcohol (p.s Tesco have 3 for £20).  Me?  I have just come back from Lanzarote, my annual winter holiday.  It is mine and my wife’s time to chill out before the mental Christmas rush begins!  She has a 22 year old daughter to buy for,and I have a 1 year old and 5 year old niece – just these guys alone are stressful enough for me!  So we use our time in November/December to chill out!  Madness you say?  Nah, we love it!

We started off early on the 16th November, and were in Lanzarote by lunch time, sipping cocktails by the pool.  We stayed in the lovely resort of Costa Teguise, which is only 25 minutes from the airport, and funnily enough passes the lovely cruise port Arrecife on the way (we did see a few cruise ships docked there on the way back).    We spent the week just chilling by the pool, with the temperature hitting around 20-25 degrees every day – ideal for a winter getaway.  Having done the Canaries twice now in the Winter (Gran Canaria last year), I have now suggested that we do the Canaries cruise next year from Southampton.  The weather is great and you get a couple more destinations thrown in, for not much more than an all-inclusive holiday!

Obviously now we are home, the annual Christmas shopping has begun!  Is it just me or does it get harder every year?  I struggle at the best of times to find the “perfect” gift, but every year it seems to get harder, as you are constantly trying to beat the gift you bought last year!  So…… What do you get them? Money, Gift Vouchers, the decision is a hard one to make.

What are your plans for Christmas?  Why not book your loved one a Canaries cruise for next winter or maybe even a short mini cruise, if you would like to book your family or loved one  cruise check out our website here – there are some cracking deals to be had!  Until next time, enjoy your Christmas shopping!

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