On Debbie's Cruise Dial

A full-time working mum’s guide to the Summer Holidays… so Far!

The summer holidays are the most exciting time of the year for children. I have 3 children aged 10 and under at home who have 6 Week’s of no school and lots of fun to look forward to!  For some of us full time parents though it can be challenging to juggle work, spending time with the children and your sanity (in equal enough portions!).  I try my best though.  I am taking 2 weeks off in August to go away with my family to stay with my sister up in the North East and to go on a cruise on the Independence of the Seas!  For now, I am fitting my hours around the children as much as I can.  My parents are having my children on the odd day and I’m working evenings and weekends for the rest of the time.


So, what have we been up to so far?

Last week we went to see the Lion King which was a treat for me too!  I loved the old version as a kid and loved the new film even.  The graphics were amazing and baby Simba was very cute.  We have an annual pass for the local zoo so went there for the day.  We loved the new spider monkeys who seemed very excited to see us too!


On Sunday we visited Fort Nelson which had a Vikings vs Saxons day.  This was fantastic and my son in particular was in his elements as he got to experience spear throwing and take part in a battle.  Following on from this we had a trip to the cinema (again) to watch the Horrible Histories film.  We also managed to fit in a visit to Moores valley Country Park this week with my nephew who is visiting for the week which is fantastic for a day in the wood and so much for the kids to do!

I hope you’re all having a wonderful summer and that this lovely weather continues!

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