Get your head down

Greetings Cruisers

Hope you are all well and are continuing to book those cruises, it seems summer has now firmly ended and we move into cooler temperatures, and you are all booking cruises to warmer climates!

Anyways let me throw a curve ball and talk about how you can get a better nights sleep, did you know many cruise lines actually offer you a pillow menu so that you can get a better nights kip.

Take a read below and make sure you get the best nights sleep while on your cruise

Feather & Down Pillows

Normally a blend of feathers and down, (down are the small soft feathers found underneath the hard exterior feathers), these pillows tend to be of a medium firmness and are normally the most popular choice with guests.

Memory Foam

Memory foam is a self-molding, heat sensitive material that shapes itself to the body and responds to temperature, keeping you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. They also give great neck support whilst conforming to the shape of your head. These pillows will feel quite firm.

Hypo-Allergenic Pillows

These pillows are meant to drastically reduce sneezing, morning headaches, sinus congestion and other symptoms associated with allergies to feathers, fibers and dust; so if you’ve ever had a problem with any of these symptoms it might be worth trying one of these pillows the next time you’re on-board a ship.

Buckwheat Pillows

Small and thin, the buckwheat hulls conform to the head and neck for maximum support and stress reduction. Don’t try this pillow if you have any kind of wheat allergy however.

A Cloud Pillow

This is a speciality pillow found in some high-end hotels. There are more than 10 million air beads per pillow to keep the head cool at night. This pillow is classed as a firm pillow and will offer a lot of support.

Magnetic Therapy Pillows

A lot of companies offer magnetic therapy pillows. They reduce swelling and joint discomfort, relieve insomnia and fatigue and improve skin tone by stimulating circulation.

Satin Pillows

Normally just a standard pillow, (or you may be able to combine it with many other types), a satin pillow is just a pillow case made out of satin for a soft, silky nights rest.

So no more problems sleeping 🙂

About Me

"Open the map, spin around, point to any country….” Hi.  My name is Nik and I've been at for nearly 10 years.  OK, so I took an 18 month break while I worked at a soccer school in Phuket, Thailand…. but I missed the cruising world so much I…

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