Nautical Neil's Life on the Ocean Wave

And another anecdote….

Its been 13 years….( oh no i sound like the opening line in Titanic) but it has been 13 years since I worked on board Celebrity and I have been racking my brains for a memorable blog about my time on board.

One of the Itineraries we did was a 14 night round trip from L.A. to Hawaii.  Now i had never been to Hawaii before and was quite looking forward to it.  But, oh the journey there was long.  As you are probably aware it takes 4 days to sail to Hawaii and the shop dept. is open from 9am – 11pm every day, take into account that you go through 4 time zones on the way there so effectively the last day is 28 hours long!  Anyway after a couple of trips there I got used to the days at sea and i wanted to look forward to something different.

So a bunch of us decided to book sky diving in Hawaii the next time we were there.  So the night before the jump we were at sea and I get an email from Miami saying you have a new Assistant Manager arriving in Hilo and please stay on board to welcome him on the ship.  My heart sank, knowing I had already booked the sky diving.  Anyway Ali turned up at the ship and he was a great guy and we worked together very well and are still friends today and he lives in Canada with his lovely family.

Anyway, the guys came back to the ship from the skydiving and to rub salt in my wounds had a dvd (remember those) of their jump.  It looked amazing, something I missed on my travels, but work is work and I made a great friend.  I don’t think I will be jumping out of a plane in the near future though haha

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