Michelle Makes Waves

Say Hi To Mr Rocky !

I thought I would introduce my new family member, Mr Rocky!

He is a Dogue De Bordeaux cross with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, he is 2 years old and I bought him from a rescue centre in Harperhey in Manchester.

I have to say buying a rescue dog these days is not that easy, I had to show them my mortgage paper’s as well as my bank details, which I suppose it is understandable these days with so many dogs in rescue centres, they do need to make sure you are kosha.

He is a bundle of joy and is so loving he is adorable but I have to be honest though whoever had him before has never ever trained him at all, between him chewing my TV unit, shoes, boots as well as him dragging me all over the place when taking him for a walk, well it’s been hard work but we are eventually getting there with lots of love, patience and a lot of training.

We also do dog training every Sunday morning and he has just passed his Bronze badge, now Silver and Gold to achieve.

He has brought so much joy and happiness back into my life and has kept me extremely busy since having him it has done me a world of good, back to long walks rain or shine haha.

As most of you know I lost my big fella Looney in October 2017, who was my baby and I never dreamed I would ever go down this road again of having another dog,  after all the hurt and pain I felt after losing Looney it broke my heart and it was a very  hard decision to get another dog  but I have been lost without having a dog, they just bring so much joy into your life, unconditional love!

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