Michelle Makes Waves

“A Step Back In History With Fred Olsen”

Over 5000 years ago, the area of ‘Skara Brea’ was a thriving community within the Orkney region. Now many people may not be familiar with ‘Skara Brea’ so let me put you in touch with this area and period in question. It is an interesting fact that the inhabitants of the broader region were responsible for the construction of the Stone Circle at Brodgar more commonly known as Stone Henge – and as other people might remember – Billy Connally ran round the circle naked on his world tour.
The village of Skar Brea is actually situated in the grounds of the renowned Skail House and was designated a world heritage site in the year 1999.
Those with a pageant for history may find it very interesting to know that the village was inhabited way before the Egyptian pyramids were even built ! This time in history was known as the Neolithic period.
For no known historical reason, the village eventually became abandoned. Perhaps we may assume this occurred way back then for the same reasons as it does today. In so many smaller Scottish communities, a need to venture further a field and initiate a more modern way of life….. Who Know’s !!!!!!
Now in conclusion, the question remains !!!!
Would you like to step back in time as I did and explore this fascinating area of Skara Brea !!!!!
Prices are set at a very reasonable cost with Fred Olsen – £35pp approx
Bookable either on your cruise personaliser or direct with myself on 0800 – 408 6159
Why don’t you make the most of your cruise and get it booked before you miss out on your place.
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