Should I be afraid of Brexit?

If you have been reading my blogs and follow my Facebook  page or you have booked your cruise with me, I’m sure you know that I live overseas on the Sunny Costa Del Sol. I moved here in 2002 and I am happy to say I call Spain my home.   If I needed to go back to England to live I would think about it, but my good old dad always reminds me to continue living the lovely life I have with my husband and daughter.  We have bought our own home, we have a nice car, great jobs and most of all we have each other.
Over the last year or so I have often been asked how I fell about Brexit as I live in Spain? how do I feel about Brexit? what am I going to do if the UK does leave the EU?
Well to tell you the truth I cannot answer any of these questions purely because like everyone else I just do not know how this will effect me personally or my family. I will admit I am an over thinker and there are days and nights I just think what if i wake up one day in March and I am told to pack my bags and leave Spain? What will happen to my home with a mortgage,  Will  I have give up my passport and right as a UK citizen and  to become a Spanish citizen…the thoughts that run through my mind are endless.
I did not vote in the poll as I feel It was my choice to leave the UK and start a new life 15 years ago,  so why should my vote determine the outcome of someone else’s  future other than mine.
I follow a lot of ex pat Facebook pages and every post I come across no one really seems to know the answer. Everyone has personal views, people for are against Brexit and for Brexit.  It does make interesting bedtime reading!!
I guess I will wait and see what happens, I cannot change the future, but how is the future is going to change for me!!
Till next time
Meghan x

About Me

Hi my name is Meghan, Thank you for taking the time to find out a little bit more about me. I have been working within the travel industry for 18 years.  I started work at Lunn Poly which is where my passion for travel began. I worked at Lunn Poly…

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