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The Cunard Cough

A young woman sneezing and wiping her nose with a tissue.

It is hardly surprising that as ships get bigger with more and more passengers the chances of getting the dreaded ships cough are high, especially in the winter months, exacerbated by the air condition operating throughout the ship, known to passengers as the ‘Cunard Cough’ or Cruise Cough when you are in a confined environment with the same people it is very easy for germs to spread

The worst time is when you go to bed and the air conditioning is blowing out ‘processed air’ often directly above your bed. You can’t switch the a/c off and they don’t like us to keep our balcony door open, difficult if you are in an inside or porthole cabin so what is the answer??

You could go all out with a Face Mask but this might cause a few odd looks on board

Anyone who coughs in the elevator, around you in the theatre, in the library or lounges is sharing all those virus particles and there is really no way they can stop it from spreading to you. You can try to avoid using the lifts and sit at the back of the theatre or movie theater on a cruise ship but the spread of the ‘Cruise Cough’ is really unavoidable

Fellow cruises do have a few handy hints!

‘Well on our last few cruises, prior to going to bed we have put a light smear of Vaseline in the lining of our nose and the results have been that we have not had any trace of the dry throat which is often the precursor to the ships cough. I understand this is also good for air travel!

Fair to say another way is to avoid those fellow passengers who think nothing of having a good sneeze or cough into their hands as they make their way to the buffet area. And, when there, using their fingers, try a few chips which look so inviting…..

Frequent hand washings with hot soap and water are a must. Don’t rely on a little bit of hand sanitizer squirted in the palm of your hand.

Avoid elevators and tightly crowded places as much as possible, especially if the elevator is full. One sneeze or cough sprays millions of viral particles.

Try to avoid rubbing your eyes or touching your face.

Wipe down remote controls, keyboards, exercise equipment with an antibacterial wipe.

Don’t smoke and avoid contact with cigarette smoke as much as possible.

Wash your hands often, and keep them away from your nose and mouth as much as possible. If you sit near someone who is coughing in the theater, move away if possible. If you use the ship’s computers, use sanitizing wipes on the keyboard first. Don’t do jigsaw puzzles in the Crow’s Nest, or use ship books.

When you are at the Buffet take the food from the back not at the front of the display

”Another problem is if you are flying to your cruise,  air on the plane is very dry. I used to get a cold after nearly every long flight. Then I started carrying a cloth hankie that I can soak with water from a bottle. From time to time, I wet the hankie and breathe through that to humidify my nasal passages. You can get nose sprays to do the same thing, but I’ve had success with the hankie trick.”

This last tip may work but if it doesn’t you will smell so strongly that other passengers will avoid you and that will keep you away from any possible germs! – ”To stop night time coughing put Vicks VapoRub generously on the soles of your feet, cover with socks, and the heavy, deep coughing will stop in about 5 minutes and stay stopped for many, many hours of relief. Works 100% of the time. More effective than even very strong prescription cough medicines. In addition it is extremely soothing and comforting and they will sleep soundly. ”

If you have any other handy hints to share please comment below to help fellow cruises avoid the dreaded Cruise Cough!


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