Did you buy for the sake of it this black Friday ?

black friday.

So what bargains did i get this Black Friday ? absolutely none. Not because the bargains weren’t there for the taken but because i genuinely couldn’t be bothered  scrolling through websites and standing in long ques and confined spaces for any amount of time but that is just me i suppose. Instead i worked Friday and what a busy day it was booking amazing offers for you lovely black Friday bargain hunting customers.

Do people just buy for the sake of it ? is it the hype of black Friday and the constant emails from retailers that makes you want to go and spend your hard earned cash and sometimes on things you don’t really need, like last year for example i was about to buy a coffee machine and i don’t even drink coffee, but it also made hot chocolate which i like but don’t really drink that often. I think it was just the thought of not actually buying something on black friday(retailers most profitable day of the year) that made me want to go ahead and buy this coffee machine that would probably be put in a cupboard within a couple of weeks.

I had a few customers say to me that they weren’t planning on going away but this deal is too good to pass up.  I also had a few customers wanting to go away and think about it and for them to come back and the deal to be sold out or gone up in price, what do people expect ? Would you go online to shop for black friday add things to your basket and go away and think about it ? definitely not, when booking a cruise its the exact same and you need to just grab that bargain while you can. I also had one customer say they want to wait until January sales, to me there is no point in waiting around, if you feel the deal it right then go for it, no point in hanging around and regretting it when January comes and the price isn’t  good.

Did you get any deals this black friday ? If not don’t worry… Its Cyber Monday !

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Hi Everyone Thanks for taking the time to visit my page. My Name is Jenna McGhee from Bonnie Scotland where I live with my Lovely husband, my son who is the apple of my eye and our little Yorkie Ollie. I have worked in the travel industry for the past…

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