James' Cruise Jewels

What do you do on yours?

yellow post-its on a to do liston blackboard with check marks for the done items

When people talk about cruising, I always hear the usual subjects such as food & drink, entertainment and ports of call. But what about those things you can do that you haven’t even thought of?!

Cruising offers a chance to sample many things that we might not have even though about before, or gives you a chance to try your hand at something that you have always wanted to do. Cake decorating, cocktail making and trying your hand at arts and crafts. Even the children can join in on the act like learning new circus skills! The best thing about all this is that most of these activities are free on a cruise, but yet not something that is mentioned very often before you board the ship.

How many of us struggle to fill the newly found free-time we don’t often get during our normal lives? Yet when we go on holiday we suddenly pick up that holiday book and start to read it, before letting it gather dust again until our next trip away. Do you also do things you wouldn’t normally do at home? Rock-climbing, ice skating to name a few. My wife and I took part in an escape room on our cruise. Who else has done this on a cruise!?

Eating healthy on a cruise isn’t easy….right? Well it most certainly is! No need to nip to the shop for some salad when it’s there right in front of you! (just as long as you don’t walk past the desserts to get it!)  With such extensive choice of food on-board, even if you’re health conscious there is no need to worry about putting on those extra few pounds whilst you’re away.

The main thing to do on your cruise is to ensure that you enjoy it and take advantage of all the things it have to offer. Do the things you like to do, try things you wouldn’t normally get the opportunity to do at home and who knows, you might come home with that new found skill that you have learnt aboard your cruise ship.

So come on share what new skills you have learnt aboard a cruise ship or have you picked up a new hobby? Look forward to hearing all your stories.

All that is left is for me to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.


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