Isabelle's Cruising Insights

To Book or not to Book…The EU Referendum on Holiday Makers Minds.

Its not exactly breaking news that in just a few days time we will be taking to the polls to decide whether we are to stay within the European Union or ditching Brussels and packing our bags to go it alone. Its in every paper, on every social networking site, every TV channel and the topic of conversation in virtually every corner of the UK. There’s no hiding from it. We all have our own views and arguments on the topic, but there is no denying that whichever way the result goes on the 23rd June there lies a whole lot of uncertainty ahead.

You may have read or heard that should we leave the EU we can expect flight fares to increase, the pound to weaken, holidays and overseas taxes to rocket and it may become more difficult for us to travel around Europe. You may have also read that flight fares will become less expensive, the pound will strengthen, the Euro will weaken and that overseas travel will become more affordable. OK…..Confused yet?

With so much uncertainty flying around over the referendum when it comes to travel a lot of customers are holding off from confirming their arrangements until after the vote as they feel it will have a huge bearing on their plans. On the other hand a lot of customers are getting booked up for the next year or so to make sure they get their holiday secured without the risk of price hikes and tax increases. So who’s right? Of course I don’t have the answer to that question and nobody really does for sure.  With the EU ever changing, a vote to stay in wont necessarily mean that the cost of travel will be unaffected in the long term, but then again neither will a vote to leave. Europe still want our tourism whether we are in or out don’t they?

One thing I do know for sure is that life is more enjoyable when we are making memories with our loved ones, fine dining in warm climes under the stars and dipping our toes into white sands. I very much doubt that the politicians are holding off on arrangements for their annual August vacations, so why should you.

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