
The Rise Of The Christmas Jumper

Yes the time has come to be even more sociable and this particular trend seems to be on the increase. Groups of friends coming together in bars and restaurants all wearing and comparing their Christmas Jumpers with either pride or for some, embarrassment.
Back in the day any young adult would have been horrifed to have opened up a present to find a woolly jumper sporting the image of a Reindeer or Santa Clause but now they have not just become popular but very very cool.

Celebrities as diverse as Kanye West, Cheryl Cole, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Matt Damon, Samantha Cameron and Snoop Dogg have all been pictured in various woollen improvisations on the theme.

But somewhere along the line the Christmas jumper phenomenon ceased to be about looking as dreadful as possible – a sort of yuletide version of Halloween – and became something that esteemed fashion designers and High Street shoppers alike could buy into.

I was also sporting my Christmas jumper when I frequented a German Market with a group of friends at the weekend, pictured below, but what are your thoughts on wearing this new seasonal look.


Its the Cruise.Co.Uk annual Christmas conference this coming week and a few of us , well I am hoping more than a few, will be wearing our Christmas jumpers of some sort this Sunday, again pictures to follow.

A hit or a miss in your wardrobe? Comments please

Kind Regards



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