
Love Island Antics and Intimidated Crew on Crown Princess


Nicknamed ‘Love Island’ by the crew on board, party nights in the pool until 2am only scratched the surface of the goings on , on the Crown Princess recently.


The sailing on the 29th July which was full to capacity, in fact that full that passengers were being offered alternative cruises the day before embarkation to avoid added pressure of too many guests once on board , was quite eventful in more ways that one, according to my customer who is an Elite member of Princess and has been sailing with them since 1991.


Families including 800 children, and couples of all ages were on board.


My customers had a wonderful cruise and nothing stopped them enjoying their own holiday ,  but were just quite surprised by the lack of discipline and manners by the occasional fellow passengers on board and to hear that the crew were to afraid to confront anyone who didn’t abide by the rules. and do anything about it.

My customer said that what he saw was very unusual and asked me if standards had slipped or was it just the time of year.


Apparently he said :-

Young Adults were seen partying in the pool until 2am, where even the crew compared it to a version of Love Island.

Children were seen jumping and diving in the pools failing to adhere to safety notices around the pool area.

Guests being allowed to wear shorts to dinner.

Disabled guests were shown no respect when trying to move wheelchairs around the ship.

The pools were closed on 2 occasions due to a toilet accident and sickness


It is alleged The staff on board lacked  control to the point were they admitted to turning a blind eye as they were wanting to avoid any kind of confrontation at all costs. They were concerned of  passengers shouting back at them so they went for the easy way out and did nothing to uphold manners and respect on board.


I guess you may just think of families just having fun , I guess my customer was trying to make the point of if you have rules on board you need to uphold them for the enjoyment of everyone on board.


What do you think? Were you on this sailing ?

I look forward to your feedback.

I have to say I travel with Princess every year as does my customer and have a wonderul time on board.

Cheers Holly

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