
I’m now here 7 days a week to take your call……….

Christmas came and went in the blink of an eye and what does that now lead us too? The busiest, craziest time in a cruise consultants calender year.

We literally wake up on the 27th December and do not go to bed until the 28th February. Yes we sleep, but at our desks once the clock strikes midnight if lucky. Its like the queue at Next on boxing Day morning and multiplying it by 10 which will give you an inclination of how my days will be in the coming weeks. 😉

2018 brings celebrates my 30th year in the travel industry.08.08.88 is when i started my first job and the age of 16 so I have many years of experience when it comes to the January madness onwards. So am I ready for the battle to commence? Yes I am! I absolutely love it. My genuinely favourite time of the year.

Although I do say the above with a little humour but I am more passionate about my job now than I have ever been , in the coming days I will be ready to take your call 7 days a week as I try to find you the exact cruise holiday to match your needs.

If you have Facebook then please click on the link and like my page for the latest offers throughout January and February. Holly Crabtree’s Cruise Page

Are you on our emailing list for all of our cruises? if not email me at Hollyc@cruise.co.uk

Always remember though when looking to book your cruise its not always about price but also value for money with great honest service. It is about trusting your cruise consultant to give you the correct information. My customers book with me due to the trust and relationship we have built up over the years, they know I am totally honest, nothing is too much trouble and above all I look after them until the very day they come home. Read my rate my service comments on your right to see what my customers think of me,

My number is 08004086114, if you need a quote or any help at all when looking for the right cruise for you give me a call. I have cruised nearly every cruiseline with friends and with my children so just ask.

In the meantime have a an absolutely wonderful New Year and 2018 and thankyou so much for your continued support.

Best Wishes Holly xxxx

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