Haydn Cruises

What makes a good holiday destination?


Do you feel daunted by the prospect of planning your next cruise? Overloaded with information, destinations and glossy images? With so much exposure to adverts, recommendations from friends and brochures it can be a daunting prospect to choose a destination, let alone beginning to contemplate what to do while you are there. In my opinion, a good holiday should have at least 2-3 things your looking forward to. What do you like doing? What can you do in this weekend/week/fortnight/month etc. that’s different from your everyday life that you’d like to try, or try again? Do something memorable and worthwhile. Do you want to go scuba diving or skiing, are you a real foodie and want to try some national dish in its country of origin or perhaps your an animal lover and want to spot rare animals in their natural habitat before they become extinct.


Have a think about what you want, if you have a list of 5 things you like doing but don’t do in your everyday life, I believe your holiday destination should fulfill at least 3 of them. You can always do the other two next time .  Are you looking for a romantic getaway?  Are you in search of history, or perhaps an action packed European adventure?  Do you want to explore a range of different countries? Do you prefer a warmer, tropical environment away from the cold? I know there are so many questions and things to think about but these are all important factors to consider when choosing your holiday destination.  The last thing you want is to be stuck in a country without the cool ocean breeze you were looking for.

Planning a holiday can, and should be a fun part of the holiday. Think about the best holiday you have ever had and what it was that made it so special. Perhaps it was your travel companions, something you experienced or learned, spontaneity, tranquillity or discovering different ways of life. Everyone’s different; what were your highlights and what makes you happy when on holiday? Remember that you are not the same as you were, but what types of experience could you repeat and how?

Of course there are always restrictions such as budget, traveling with children or flying times , cruise itineraries which may dictate which country or part of the world you travel to. However, search for ideas for your holiday with focus – Enjoy it,  and don’t forget to email me if you need any help. My email address is Haydnj@cruise.co.uk or call me on 0800 408 6107

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