Looking for last minute – You’ll be lucky!

We are now almost at the time of year where everybody is well and truly thinking about Holidays. We have those who are looking forward to what they have had booked for ages and then we have the people who have left it late for one reason or another.

It will be really interesting to see this year more than ever the percentage of people travelling are doing cruises compared to land holidays as what I have found and am finding more and more each day is how few cruises actually have availability left for the next 2 months right up until the school holidays finish in September. I think more and more people are still getting into cruise and loving it. I also genuinely believe this year people see cruises as great value for money as land holidays seem to be a lot more expensive unless you look at somewhere like Turkey or Egypt but people seem to want places they see as safe so a cruise ticks all the boxes.

What I am finding is that it is very much a case of what is left rather than the cruise/cabin/airport that people would of chosen as a first choice. Sometimes even we we give the options that are available if any people still think that more availability will come up or the prices will go down. This year more than ever that will not be the case.

If you look around you can see great deals on all kinds of wonderful cruises from short breaks to full world voyages and people see there are loads for the early and late part of the year. I’m just not sure it is registering with everyone that the School holiday dates are not included.

I’ve had a few people ask for the next couple of weeks and ask whats available and I’ve had a really good search through everything and then I have given the options I have found but then am getting asked well what about this cruise. The answer it’s not available if it was I would of mentioned it. then guess what I then get asked what about this one………. and so on.

The point I’m trying to make and hopefully I’m not coming across negative about this is this year if you are just looking now for whatever reason you have left it to late. If we can get you everything that is your first choice that is unlikely but brilliant Really it will be more of a case of what we can offer as a comprise to maybe what you wanted. If we can offer you something and it sounds good then my honest advice is book it as things are going all the time and by the time we email you the details and you sleep on it someone else has booked it!

Here is another idea that I think you should consider if you are checking for now and you cant get what you want or a suitable compromise then. Rather than put yourself in the same situation next year ask me to have a look for 2018. Have your pick of the cruises get your first choice, pay a deposit and relax knowing you have something great to look forward to.

Hopefully some will find my advice useful and as for the one’s who want a cruise going tomorrow I think your ship has sailed.


About Me

Hi I'm Harry, I live in the  north east of England in sunny Middlesbrough, I'm married and have 3 children a daughter aged 12 and two twin boys who are ten years younger and keep us all on our toes. I love spending time with the family, going on holiday,…

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