Spotlight on Amsterdam – My take on Cycle City!

As you know I have just returned from a trip to Amsterdam where I was invited to look around Holland America’s latest Pinnacle class ship the Koningsdam, but also to take advantage of the weekend to catch up with my Travel Mentor and good friend Lin.

Lin owns and runs the British General Store in Amsterdam which sells all things British!   Lin  opened the store back in 1998 and its still going strong and ever popular after 20 years in business!  Its a great place to come and browse as there is so much to see and buy!   (There you go Lin – a ‘plug’ for the shop!) #britishgeneralstore



So as we hadn’t seen each other for over 30 years, this seemed an ideal opportunity to catch up on some long overdue gossip!  I was given very clear and explicit instructions on how to get to the store, so I braved the bus & tram and arrived just in time for a cuppa!  Glad to see nothing had changed!


After a brew Lin took me for a quick tour around Amsterdam before heading out to dinner.  If you think cyclists are a menace on the British Roads, you are in for a shock!  This city is geared up for cyclists like no other I’ve witnessed!

Just a few bikes outside Central Station!

AMSTERDAM BIKESThe streets are filled with dedicated cycle lanes, and if you’re not used to the flow of traffic, then take very good care!  Not only do you have to look out for the cyclists who don’t seem to stop at pedestrian crossings as you would imagine, you need eyes in the back of your head to avoid  the Trams going in both directions, buses oh and the cars of course!  And if that wasnt enough to keep you alert – you have Horse & Carriages and the very popular Beer Bus!


A great contraption which was a Pub on wheels, where the occupants pedalled their way along the streets drinking beer!  Only in Amsterdam!  It was like an obstacle course meets Wacky Races!  Lin being a ‘native’ expertly guided me around the hazards, but even so I nearly came a cropper a few times.  So I thought if you can beat em – join em and asked if I could ride Lins bike.  – Big mistake!  I am not exaggerating when I say I nearly fell in the Canal!

And here’s the pictures to prove it!


Yep I’ve got it…..


Just Steadying myself – yep still in control…..


Whooaaa! Not quite there yet!


Tadaahh!  As long as I dont move I’m ok!

So if you’re thinking of travelling to this wonderful, vibrant, city here’s a few facts you may find interesting!

  • Number of bikes in Amsterdam   800,000  (63% of Amsterdammers use bikes)
  • 48% of traffic in the City Centre is by bike  (22% by car and 16% by public transport)
  • 500km of bike paths
  • 900km length of bike paths
  • 35 Bike Rental companies   (Do so at your own risk!)
  • 157 Bike Shops (and growing….)
  • Official Bike Parking Spaces nr Central Station: Parking facilities in public space: 267.000 racks 

You have been warned!

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I started working at  in January 2014 and thought you might like to know a little bit about me..... I was born in London but as a child spent a great deal of time playing in the Hopfields of Kent while my parents worked on the farm.  In fact…

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