Gemma's Cruise Gems

What would you call your Ship?

There are so many cruise ships out there and the fleets are growing all the time, but how do the cruise lines decide what to call their next ship?  Can you imagine P&O naming a new ship Titanic?
 Is this maybe going too far?  Would I really want to travel on a ship named after a ship that sunk nearly 50 years ago?  It got me thinking what is actually in a name?
I think if I was naming a ship I might go for something like Neptune or Orpheus.  How about even the Prince William?  Would the name of a cruise ship stop you travelling on it I wonder.
This then got me thinking to what exactly are the meanings of some of these cruise ships?  Here are just a few of the cruise ships and their meanings

Boudicca – meaning Victory
Balmoral – It’s a walking shoe
Black Watch – Military regiment from 1739 and still going strong today
Oceana – From the sea
Ventura – Good Fortune
Aurora – Dawn, the Goddess of the Dawn
Azura – Sky Blue
Oriana – Golden one

I must admit I have never really thought about the meanings of the cruise ships before but it is certainly interesting to know exactly what they mean.  Do you know of any other meanings or what would you call your cruise ship if you had chance?

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