Gail's Cruising Tales

Is It The Garden Pea Or The Waiters Fault?????

What’s happening on  cruise ships these days?

Can’t they train their waiters to serve the humble garden pea from a silver platter anymore?

Now for me, the dining options, quality and standards of food offered onboard are very important. So I am sad to read of how many cruise lines are taking the dining experience away from those of us who enjoy silver service standards. Their response when asked about this is to say that, they can offer food at the correct temperature, waiters will have more time – be more friendly. I am not so sure of this. Are you like me and think this is just a cost cutting exercise?

So, let’s not make it the peas fault – use our powers, fill in those questionnaires, get on those forums and let the powers that be know, we want to maintain those the high standard  of food presentation and service we are used to.

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