The Husky Manc Drags Himself Into 2019

There comes a time in a Manc’s life when he must sit back and realise, it’s just not going to happen…

I might have mentioned once or twice that a few weeks back I attended our annual Christmas bash aboard CMV’s Marco Polo, another successful endeavor.

It’s something I look forward to every year, mainly for the social side, but also for the consumption side as well….ahem gin/whisky/wine etc….. I genuinely don’t know how I survive these things I really don’t.

Anyway the bizarre strap line to this blog, coupled with the opening comment, basically refers to a nickname that’s bounced around aboard, on account of me attending our annual do, and immediately contracting a sore throat on day one….AGAIN. The Manc part because I’m told I have a strong Mancunian accent – a tag that I don’t really think I deserve. In my mind I’m posh, barely Northern…. Joke.

It’s likely this is down to my overly excitable social nature. Shouting not talking, laughing my head off half the time, and general over exuberance fueled by gin, and the sudden feeling of being let out of the house, responsibility free for a few days.

It’s how I imagine a dog to feel when you let it off it’s lead in the woods in summer…

Anyway ‘The Husky Manc’, my winter alter ego, managed to stick around over Christmas and New Year, completely ruining my chances of a normal conversation.

I think half the staff at the firm actually think I sound like that full time?!

If you want an idea what this sounds like, think what the love child of Karl Pilkington and Don Corleone would sound like – that’s basically me in December, with less glamour, and less money.

It’s comical I assume for those that know me well, seeing me struggle through a conversation like a straining metal lift cable taking a pack of elephants to the roof top pool. Okay, weird analogy, but you get the idea.

For me though it’s infuriating. My entire persona, life, work and even hobbies generally revolve around talking, it’s safe to say I like the sound of my own voice.

Maybe it’s just my bodies way of telling me to shut up for a few weeks. The phrase ‘sit down and take the weight of your mouth’ is something used in my direction more than once.

Anyway, it’s a few days into the New Year, and despite having a residual cough and a mild sore throat, I have once again banished ‘The Husky Manc’ for another year hopefully, slayed by the Lemsip and Beechams warriors. But for how long? Who truly knows?

So for now, I’ll leave you with Happy New Year from me, I hope all my friends, colleagues and family had a great time over the festive season, and here’s to 2019!


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Hi Cruise Fans, my name is Freddie! If you want to talk to someone that has a vast amount of experience and won't give you the hard sell then I'm your man. 13 years in this industry has taught me that most of the time, the customer knows your job…

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