Only 17 out of 27 million people did this last year…

Here is a very interesting statistic in amongst everything that has been said about the British lady who managed to “fall” off the back of the Norwegian Star cruise ship last weekend…. Of 27 Million people who cruised in 2017, there were only 17 reported MOBs (Man over Board incidents).  As an individual, statistically, you are more likely to be struck by lightening 4 times.

Sadly, the survival statistics of those 17 were probably not so good unfortunately.  Many people were very surprised by the fact that Kay Longstaff managed to survive the 10 hours in the water following her fall and this was really down to the location and the water temperature.  Cruising in the Adriatic Sea in the summer time the Sea temperature was estimated to be 27 degrees… also she was only on the 7th deck of a relatively small ship and thought to be just 55 metres high.  Had this happened in a colder climate, different time of year and with lower sea temperatures the chances of survival would have been much slimmer.

Kay was actually found just 1 mile from where she fell, when the ships sensor were activated and the MOB alarm sounded.  However, this covers an over 2000 acre radius so she was still extremely lucky to be found by the search and rescue team.

You may think this is a very strange subject for me to be writing a blog about, but I wanted to for a few reasons..

I personally sailed on the Norwegian Star September last year and really feel for the lovely crew and the passengers that were on this sailing affected by this.  The ship was considerably delayed on its return to Venice and this will have caused a lot of inconvenience to many.

I feel sad that this happened, for whatever reason, to this British lady.  But, I am very glad that she survived this ordeal – and hope that she is grateful to the rescue team for being saved ?

I also want to reassure those that have never cruised before, who may be put off by this news, you have seen the statistics and believe me when I say that safety at sea is something that is taken very seriously and it is practically impossible to “fall off the ship “..

Until next time – safe & happy cruising to all of you.




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Hi my name is Frankie, and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to my page and to tell you a little bit more about ME... Coming in to 2019, sees me celebrating 30 years in the travel industry since starting on a High Street travel agency…

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