Florence ‘Fathoms’ Cruising

Alexa …. Alexa …. Alexa ….

Wow so this week I couldn’t brush past this amazing bit of news …. Calling all fans of MSC Cruises …. Is this you? ……. If not then calling all fans of the Alexa!!!! …. Or actually I could just ask you all to come together as this is exactly what this understated cruise line is bringing into this already advanced modern day and age, I have to give it to them they are most certainly keeping up with the times!

I am often met with customers that love MSC or maybe would choose another cruise line in the future.  For me they are fantastic, their ships are continuously evolving and this is just a pure example of this.  To be launched on the new Bellissima and then across fleet wide this is juts on a whole different level!

Have you used an Alexa?  Do you know what this is?  One of my closest friends her dad who is in his 60s absolutely loves it!! He loves the idea so much he has a different version in each room of their house as they can all be linked, be used to set the mood lighting, play a song you love, find out facts or information all at your finger tips!

So ….. Imagine this on board a style just like the Alexa in YOUR OWN CABIN! Your very own personal virtual assistant, these will all be full to the brim with information and important tips that will be handy for you to have just at the activation of your voice.

Imagine ….

Where can I find your favourite cocktail?

Where can I enjoy a scrumptious steak on board?

Where can I wash my clothes?

Are you intrigued by MSC Cruises and by this newest innovation then why not click here

What are your thoughts? Does this impress? Do you prefer the more traditional style of cruising?


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