Campanology at Sea?

Campanology is the study of bells. It encompasses the technology of bells – how they are cast, tuned, rung, and sounded – as well as the history, methods, and traditions of bell-ringing as an art.

I’ve bitten the bullet and took up bell-ringing last month and have to say I am thoroughly enjoying it! I am learning to ring at Christ Church in Old Town, Swindon. This church has been in my life since birth and my Christening was held here.

Bell-ringing is something I’ve always wanted to do after loving the sound, technique and history of bells in Churches around the world. After spending time in Germany and hearing the bells sound to celebrate the national football team getting through to the last 16 (that lasted long) I realised it was time to do it.

It’s harder than it looks and is going to take me a good few months to be fully competent and many more months to learn the complicated music that bell-ringers follow to make different sounds.

So this leads me on to a thought I had, two likes in my life, combined?

Why can’t a traditional cruise line such as Cunard have a bell tower on board? The American Steamships have a Calliope powered by the steam the engine generates?

It’s pretty simple, not everyone would appreciate it, plus the cost, maintenance and noise they create will undoubtedly cause disruption amongst guests. I guess it would be a good way of telling if the weather is rough!?

What are your thoughts? Let me know!

Happy Cruising,
Ed x

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Hello, I'm Edward your specialist cruise consultant and this is about me! I was born and bred in Wiltshire, so that makes me a country boy at heart - right? After travelling forty plus times since the age of 2 to many different parts of this world it's safe to…

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