Embark with Edward

3 Month Cruise? Here is your packing guide!

For many World Cruises are simply not a possible option when it comes to cruising, work and family commitments, the stresses of preparing for 3 months out of the country, the financial dedication etc.. But for those who are lucky enough to enjoy a world cruise I thought I’d give you some of my best tips to ensure you don’t run out of clothes, or underwear!


Take clothes that increase in size so you can be comfortable as you get towards the end of the cruise!

It is of course inevitable for you to enjoy the fantastic cuisine on offer to you, and when this process is repeated you will of course start to feel tighter on the waist (unless you hit the gym of course) but I would strongly recommend bringing more of the same clothes in different sizes, you will not regret it!


Bring your washing powder!

Trekking around many different wildernesses you will of course find that your clothes will need a good hit of Daz, for that reason it’s definitely worth utilising the free launderettes that are on most ships, you will of course have to pay for the washing powder so why not take some with you?


Make sure you’ve got enough medication!

This is one of the most important, there is nothing worse when you’re a few days in to a run of sea days to realise you’re about to run out of Medication, it is of course your responsibility so make sure you take plenty of doses with you!


A four pin extension!

You will be extremely surprised at how useful this little device will be. If you’re anything like my family you have laptops. tablets, eye pads, and phones all to be charged so keep everyone happy with this handy gadget!

So that’s my top 3 things to pack for a 3 month long cruise, do you have any other essentials you’d like to add to my list?

Happy Cruising

Ed x

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