Thank God! After seeing the devastation of Hurricane’s Harvey, Maria and Irma throughout 2017 I am sure we are all pleased to hear that this years Hurricane Season is not expected to be anywhere near as bad as last years.

Various factors have contributed to this forecast change after initially believing we could have been in for a Hurricane season just as bad as last years.

Earlier in the year, there were some signs that we could be in for another intense Atlantic hurricane season.

Initial projections pegged the season as being likely to have slightly more storms than average — though 2017’s “extremely active” hurricane season began with a similar forecast.

Yet early signs of activity aside, projections for the rest of the hurricane season are changing, with experts now projecting a year that’s average or even below average in terms of activity.

First, a named storm, Subtropical Storm Alberto, showed up in May, a few days before hurricane season even officially kicked off.

Hurricanes Beryl and Chris both formed by July 10, the fourth time there had been two hurricanes by that date in the satellite era (since 1966). Beryl threatened Caribbean islands still recovering from hurricanes like Irma and Maria. Chris formed off the coast of the US, whipping up strong surf.

I’m sure I speak for us all when we wish everyone at risk of Tropical Storm Systems this year all the very best in avoiding the worst that mother nature can throw at us.

When’s your next cruise?

Happy Cruising!

Ed x

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Hello, I'm Edward your specialist cruise consultant and this is about me! I was born and bred in Wiltshire, so that makes me a country boy at heart - right? After travelling forty plus times since the age of 2 to many different parts of this world it's safe to…

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