Ella’s Cruising Edge

Back to School Yiphee!!!!

Well I have survived the six week summer holidays…Did you???

I have to say I am worn out, trying to work, but also keeping them occupied with things to do, is not an easy thing to do! How did you manage this?

We haven’t been away this summer, as we are cruising in October and I can’t wait. However, we had family come and stay with us, we visited the beach and had a picnic on Dartmoor. Unfortunately the weather has been awful here in Devon. So it has been difficult to get out with the children without it costing a fortune.

My biggest challenge this summer was to purchase uniform for my youngest son, who has today started secondary school. His new uniform consist of a shirt,tie and blazer which he is not impressed with. He has had to have smart proper shoes, instead of trainers that he wore to primary school. The shopping challenge was a nightmare and took me two attempts, the first time we argued so much that I just came home. I thought about ordering the shoes online, but then thought better about that idea, as what happens if they don’t fit. My youngest son, has short legs and a long body, so trousers are a nightmare too.

Anyway, I finally got it sorted and it felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and finally I could enjoy the rest of the school holidays. Then the day came for my youngest to begin his new adventure of secondary school, very proud moment watching him leave the house, in his full attire going to catch the school bus, meeting his friends along the way. I feel quite sad and emotional, as i don’t have to drive him to school or pick him up anymore. It’s an end of an era for me and for him too.

Tell me about your summer holidays

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