It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The year!

Wow, where has this past year gone!

Its crazy I honestly feel like it was only yesterday that I was writing my last blog about our last Christmas work conference and now I am about to write about this years.

This Friday is our annual, work Christmas conference which the team here at will be attending and this year we are off to Butlins!

So every year, we always have a fancy dress evening, and if you remember correctly, last year it was 1980’s fancy dress and I was Madonna. So this year I was excited to hear which era we would be celebrating and it was confirmed as the 1960’s.  I must say I have struggled a little more to find an outfit this year but …… I am happy to say I will be attending as a Swinging 60s girl! Long boots, mini dress, backcombed hair and lots of glitter! Lol

So one thing that I really look forward to on the conference is the many different cruise-line presentations that we get to listen too. All about whats new and updates on the cruise-lines throughout 2018! I also love the fact that we all get to meet up and enjoy our Christmas celebrations together as team. As I love a good old boogie I can not wait to get my dancing shoes on and enjoys the 60s music.

Word is that behind the scenes this is set to be the biggest and best Christmas conference yet and I can not wait to see whats in store!

After our conference I am going on annual leave until the end of December so as this is the start of my Christmas festivities and myself,  my husband will definitely be enjoying, watching lots of Xmas films, meeting up with family and friends and relaxing.

What are you doing this year for your Christmas work party with friends, family or work colleagues?

It’s a time of love, happiness, friendships and laughter and I am wishing you all a wonderful Christmas!


About Me

Thank you for stopping by to check out my page.. Let me start by telling you a little more about me. My name is Eleni, I am 36 years young and I have been married for 10 years in June to my amazing husband Jamie. We met 13 years ago…

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