Diane's Cruise Delights

Are cruise lines really listening to their Customers?

There is so much interest in Cruising at the moment with over 26 Million Passengers Cruising last year and a huge growth year on year isn’t it time these cruise giants started listening to their passengers?

My thoughts this week have been prompted by P&O mainly. They have released details on their soon to be huge new Ship Iona.

With her going on sale next week there has been lots of hype around and what else can a new ship have that we haven’t already seen before.

Royal Caribbean Cruises are known for being very innovative when building for their passenger market. Heavily relying on the family market, they add on such activities as the Ice Skating rink, Dodgem Cars to Rock climbing walls and newly trampolining areas.

P&O on the other hand are typically reserved and very traditional with their ships. Introducing Britannia a few years ago raised a few eyebrows and wasn’t hugely appreciated amongst lots of their loyal guests. It was very modern and contemporary and a real step away from what p&O had delivered previously.

I do feel that after learning all about Iona this week, she is going to be a real hit. Yes she is going to be their largest ship within their fleet but they ream to have realized that their is as much demand for guests to enjoy a lot more outdoor space. Is that not why we cruise? To see more of the open waters?

Iona will feature lots more outdoor space with extra dining options overlooking the sea instead of being indoors each evening. Their Spectacular Dome area will bring the outside in transforming from activities during the day to a fantastic evening venue. With her travelling to Norway during her maiden season, this will mean that you will almost experience very little darkness during the summer months too, another great spectacle to witness.

Building her bigger than any other ship in the fleet will not be everyone’s cup of tea but with the brand new designed Mini Suites with Conservatory to the extended options for speciality dining and outdoor venue’s, what more can you really ask for?

Well done P&O, I cant wait to sail on her in 2020.

Until next time!

Di x


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