Tenerife in October. Is this a good time to go??

I often get asked about the best places to go on holiday where customers will get guaranteed Sunshine. This is always a very difficult question to answer as just like in the UK. The weather is very unpredictable. My Brother lived in Dubai for a year and said it even snowed out there. Snow in Dubai. Surely that is unheard of. Apparently not.

While you can never guarantee the weather you can do you best to mitigate the risk. Normally on a cruise around Europe they tend to go in the Summer months and in the Spring and Autumn they will normally do the Canary islands before flying off to the Caribbean or Sunnier climates in the winter months.

My Wife is a teacher so we will normally have to go in half term. This Particular year we decided to try October half term. October is a very awkward time of year to travel as most of Europe is going into there winter months and if you go further afield then you have the potential for hurricanes etc. We Opted for Tenerife. As it was out of season we got a very good deal. If the weather was bad then we thought we hadn’t paid that much so it wouldn’t be too bad. We flew in to Tenerife South and stayed in Los Christianos. The weather was glorious. it was mid 20s for the whole week. Considering it is only a 4 hour flight from the UK. What a difference it made. People do say that The Canary islands are an all year round destination and now I can confirm that they are. What I found that was very strange is that the further North you went the wetter it go. So if you are going I would advice to stay in one of the Southern resorts. If you to want to travel up North to see Mount Tiede for Example. Maybe just do this as a day trip.

So There you have it. I would definitely go back to Tenerife in October especially as the prices are so much lower than the summer month and you get a bit of winter sun.


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Hello my name is Dean. I have been working in the travel industry for the last ten years. I know what you are going to say, I don't look that old. Working in travel is my dream job. Just putting a smile on peoples faces, when I find them the…

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