Dean's Cruising Scene

Nobody puts baby in the kids club corner. Or Maybe they do.


I have some very exciting news. I have recently found out my wife and I are having a baby. This is something I have managed to put off for the last 34 years, however I am not getting any younger so feel like now is the right time.

I know my life is going to change massively as from the 12th of July. Sleepless nights. Pooey Nappies and not being able to just go for a run in the morning if the wife is out or this would mean leaving a newborn on their own. Which probably isn’t ideal. Something else that is going to change and I really need to consider is Holiday time. I have worked in travel nearly 12 years now and tend to go on a least one holiday a year. I will now have to consider How long to go for, How far I can fly and would I let them in kids club.

I know for the first year or 2 I wont go anywhere abroad. I know something people do but that’s just me. When it is the time to come I’m not sure I would want to leave my little person in a kids club. I have seen the kids clubs on a lot of cruise ships and in Holiday resort and they look fantastic. The staff are fully trained and I wouldnt have a problem recommending putting someone else’s child in there just not my own. I fell as though If I am going away with my baby then I should be spending my time with them or I may as well leave them at home with my mum to look after them or just not go.

I’m sure everything will change when they are screaming their little head off and I need a bit of peace and quiet. What are everybody’s thoughts on Kids clubs. What age would you trust to put your child in there? Do You go on Holiday with your children or are you like my and just a but nervous about the whole thing? Let me know your thoughts.

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