Dean's Cruising Scene

Cruise Deposits now the same price as a packet of Turkey dinosaurs

If you have ever booked or enquired about a cruise with us before then you are most probably on or mailing list. Unless you have living under a rock for the last week you may have seen we are now offering cruise deposits for just £1. Yes you heard me right you can now book your once in a lifetime dream holiday for the same price as  going to iceland and buying a pack of frozen Turkey Dinosaurs. What is the catch you may ask?? There isn’t one I  tell you. Well kind of. The first stipulation is that the cruise has to be for 2019/2020. The other  point to make you aware off before you start booking up is that the rest of the full deposit will be due by the 28th of April 2018. The full deposit will be due regardless so if a couple of weeks down the line you decide that you don’t want to go anymore we will still need to take the extra amount. Over the past couple of months we have seen other cruise companies try the £1 deposit and have been very successful because of it. As we are now the biggest online cruise company in Europe we don’t want to miss out on a piece of the pie. I think for me having a £1 deposit at first glance seems very appealing however If i didn’t have the money now to pay the deposit in full I don’t see how just over a month I could find the extra. I know some people like to keep their money in their own bank account for as long as possible so this is a selling point. Also with credit card obviously you get a month to pay it off in full without paying any interest so technically it gives you two months longer.

I would like to hear your thoughts on the £1 deposit. Would this encourage you to book or do you think you would like longer to pay the full amount?

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