Cruising The Molly Way

Don’t cry for me Argentina!

What do 3 middle aged men and Argentina have in common?

The answer is the Top Gear Christmas Special. I have to admit I have no interest in cars at all but what I do love about this programme is watching the antics of Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond as they make their way across Patagonia from Bariloche in the north to Ushuaia in the south on an epic 1600 miles!

On their way we hear how Bariloche was a haven for Nazi war criminals from the second world war and Jeremy became all excited at the prospect of staying where Butch Cassidy, the famous outlaw, stayed.

What is stunning is the scenery and having been to Argentina I can back this up and say it is a wonderful country filled with diversity; from the barren Pampas to the snow capped Andes, the landscape is stunning.

My oldest son, Conor, could not wait to ask if I knew where the Andes where and was not amused when I stole his joke by saying at the end of the wristies!!

The second episode is being shown this evening and I believe the team get into trouble for many politically incorrect reasons and not Jeremy’s number plate which reads –  H982 FKL! For those who are struggling, Colonel H was one of the many heroes from the Falklands War which began in 1982 and FKL can only mean Falklands!

If you have ever thought about a cruise incorporating this beautiful country then give me a call as cruises are available from Celebrity, Holland America and Princess Cruises.

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