Cruising The Molly Way

April Fools!!

It has long been a tradition in the travel world to think up some of the best Aprils Fool pranks and it is my pleasure to share my favourites with you today.

Virgin Atlantic


Virgin boss, Richard Branson, announced that he was bringing out a glass-bottomed plane to enhance the flying experience. I was actually buying into this until I thought where would the hold luggage go!



Hotelicopter was a marketing campaign designed by Yotel. It showed a craft based on the Soviet giant Mil V-12 military helicopter, leading millions to believe the world’s first luxury hotel/helicopter was a reality.

Long Necked Sheep Tours


New Zealand’s Haka Tours had fun showing tourists flocks of “New Zealand Long Necked Sheep”. It apparently took many a full week to discover the “long-necked sheep” were just llamas.

Cargo Class

STA Travel pulled off a great prank when it launched “cargo class” airfares for travellers on tight budgets.The company promised up to 80 per cent off standard economy airfares for passengers willing to forgo a few comforts by travelling in cargo space.


WestJet Airlines

Canadian domestic flight carrier WestJet announced their “furry animal program” whereby family pets were allowed to travel in the cabin with you on your next flight. To follow came a video where goats, crocodiles, raccoons and even goldfish were welcomed onboard the aircraft.


They were also the ones to introduce “Kargo Kids” which were free cabin spaces for kids in the cargo hold.



And my all time favourite when WestJet Airlines fooled its passengers by asking them all to help save energy during takeoff by stretching out their arms and flapping.

Can’t wait to see what they bring out today!

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