Cruising The Molly Way

A gem of a cruise!

Ever bought gem stones on a cruise? One US passenger recently got the bargain of his life!


An American couple were recently on a cruise in the US and whilst on board the gentleman decided to treat his wife to a diamond. Lovely gesture but what transpires next could cost the cruise line millions.

The diamond in question was over 20 carats and the shop manager emailed his head office to check the price and was told $235000. Both the shop manager and two of his employees double checked with head office and were again told the same price. Armed with this they sold the diamond to the gentleman concerned and he paid $100000 on a card and wire transferred the rest of the money.

The cruise line organised the diamond to be shipped to his home address by courier once the wire transfer had cleared.It was at this point that the on shore shop management team realised a huge mistake had been made and that the diamond should have been sold at $2350000 per carat which is a grand total of over $4 million. The on board team immediately cancelled the sale but now the gentleman concerned has taken the cruise line to court for reneging on their contract.

What do you think?

Should the cruise line allow him to get the deal of his life?


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