Cruise With Robin

Missed Port Departure!

Young adult man in a business suit at the dock running to big cruise ship. Missing or late concept

I recently posted a video of 2 passengers getting back late to the port to get back on the ship. The ship had waited for around 15 – 20 minutes for them but had no choice other than to leave due to the marina schedule and costs involved.

I know we can all laugh and joke as to why someone may be late back and missing the ship but guests really need to understand the importance of being back onboard at the designated time.

Failure to do so will result in one, you feel slightly embarrassed and secondly, what to do next! Some cruise lines differ with their policy about this and some may even allow you to get to the next port to reboard the ship where all of your luggage and personal possessions will be. But as you can imagine the time and effort to get to that next port, or even if you can get to that next port.

I always think you need to give yourself a realistic time to be back onboard. Doing shore excursions with the cruise line will also go in your favour in case there are any delays back to the ship, ie they will wait but this generally never happens. Excursions booked through 3rd parties may have a guarantee in place but make sure you look into this before confirming anything with them.

I have seen some funny replies to my Facebook post about these passengers missing the deadline to be back onboard. But in all honesty, I think of those poor passengers and what must have been going through their minds and how devastated they must have felt. But on the flipside of that, personally, I know I would always give myself a time to be back onboard, as I know I would never what to be in that position.

So what’s the message here – DONT BE LATE BACK.

If you would like to view the video then check out my Facebook page below.


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